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Hanami, Tsukimi, and Yukimi "Hanami" Watch (Ref. The 33222/000R-9701 watch shows the blossoming of cherry trees in spring. This is a strong symbol of renewal and purity. The cherry blossoms, which literally painted the country pink from March until the beginning of May, had a strong impact on how the Japanese developed a relationship with nature. The Japanese have a deep-rooted culture of "Hanami", or the admiration of flowers.

The "Hanami' timepiece features a dial with the beauty of cherry blossoms.IWC Da Vinci Replica Watches Its back is decorated with a delicate pattern of willow leaves and motifs of a river, traditional Japanese bridge, and pond.

33222/000R-9704) which represents the evening of contemplation of the full moon ("Tsukimi") celebrates the first full moon of fall. The "Tsukimi" watch (Ref. Adapted from Chinese culture during the Heian period (794-1185), the costume became popular during the Edo period (1603-1868), when it was used by peasants to celebrate the end of harvest. The full moon is also the most elegant and refined part of Japanese culture. It's partially covered by clouds.

The dial of the "Tsukimi", timepiece features this motif.Franck Muller Replica Watches The black lacquer is covered with golden dust, which creates a picture of the full moon and clouds. The back of the watch features Japanese maples with bright red tones, which are typical for autumn, and a "torii", a portal commonly found at the entrance of Shintoist shrines.

The "Yukimi Watch" (Ref. The "Yukimi" watch (Ref. The dial of the "Yukimi", a watch, is decorated with beautiful silhouettes of crystals by "Maki-e".

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